Sunday, July 13, 2008

King of the Mountain

Well I'm not the King.... surprise surprise :)

Today was humbling. I set out in good spirits and average physical state to conquer Mt Scanzi and sample the famed rum at the top of the climb.

Had the run been 16k long, I would have finished strongly with a big smile and had time to sample the scones and tea provided by the good folk down Cambewarra way.

Sadly for me, this race is 32k long, and the mountain bit kicks in around 22k. I hurt. Going up always takes its toll, but running down the other side should be a snap.

Today, even going down was hard. Not injured, but just tired and sore. Perhaps it was the marathon last weekend? Or the fall the weekend before? Lack of solid training? Perhaps all of these and more. Whatever it was, I had to walk most of the last 10k.

Finishing last and in a very slow time in front of people I have come to respect, admire and call my friends, wasn't easy. At this time I think I may have mentioned something along the lines of 'never running again as long as I live'. I now withdraw this ridiculous statement ;)

Perhaps next year I'll finish a little closer to the King.

1 comment:

keith said...

Those are the ones you learn from!

Way to gut it out to the end. You're a tough cookie!